Review of Dark Choc Chip Crunchies - Woolworths by ctfloof

photo of Woolworths Dark Choc Chip Crunchies shared by @ctfloof on  04 Dec 2022 - reviewphoto of Woolworths Dark Choc Chip Crunchies shared by @ctfloof on  04 Dec 2022 - reviewphoto of Woolworths Dark Choc Chip Crunchies shared by @ctfloof on  04 Dec 2022 - review



R150 - I have a thing for tins so no surprise that I bought this featuring a painting done by Pigcasso 🐽 The cookies are on the small side but quite tasty. Plus is that proceeds from the sale benefits Farm Sanctuary SA.
#vegan #vegancookies

sandrine So cool. There is the watch too❤️1 likeReply
ctfloof this one is more affordable 😉1 likeReply
ansuyanairthevegan Wow it’s such a cute tin. I myself am a tin fan. Will get it in our next shopping trip. Thanks for this.🙏1 likeReply
ctfloof you’re welcome ☺️ Reply

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