Review of Herzhaft Nussige Genießerscheiben - Simply V by shuggerlee

photo of Simply V Herzhaft Nussige Genießerscheiben shared by @shuggerlee on  10 May 2022 - reviewphoto of Simply V Herzhaft Nussige Genießerscheiben shared by @shuggerlee on  10 May 2022 - reviewphoto of Simply V Herzhaft Nussige Genießerscheiben shared by @shuggerlee on  10 May 2022 - review

Simply V

Simply vegan cheese is easily available. It has a mild taste but melts well. I like to use it for grilled cheese, for instance.

bluesoul Don't forget to upload a photo or otherwise you will not get a $ for this review to donate...1 likeReply
shuggerlee Thanks, not sure what happened here, I thought I added a photo. Will upload it again 🙀1 likeReply

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