Review of Biggie Vibes at Analogue by waisum

photo of Analogue Biggie Vibes shared by @waisum on  03 Jan 2022 - review

Rang in the new year with this funky non-alcoholic version of an Old Fashioned 🥃 the bar is equally funky with a 100% plant-based menu. This was made with pu-er tea, apricot, oak chips, black pepper, balsamic and orange oil. It was lightly sweetened and citrusy, really smokey and almost peppery but can’t say if it tastes like the classic because I’ve never tried it before (I is allergic 🙃)

Hope everyone had a pleasant new year, exactly to your liking and may 2022 be most excellent to you all! 🧡🙌🏼

fulfilling Oh my god! Pu-er tea! I never think of using that to get the colour. Amazing! How creative these people can get! Only know to use black pepper in soup, pasta and dishes 🤣 definitely not in 🥃 drink. I use pu-er tea to make vegan milk tea🥰1 likeReply
waisum Yesss everything on the menu here is incredibly creative!! Do check it out if you get a chance 😊1 likeReply
fulfilling Thanks!Reply

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