Review of Australian Lupin Flakes - Scoop Wholefoods by totorona

photo of Scoop Wholefoods Australian Lupin Flakes shared by @totorona on  28 Nov 2021 - reviewphoto of Scoop Wholefoods Australian Lupin Flakes shared by @totorona on  28 Nov 2021 - reviewphoto of Scoop Wholefoods Australian Lupin Flakes shared by @totorona on  28 Nov 2021 - review

Scoop Wholefoods

I like to cook multigrain or mixed rice. Usually with quinoa, millet, brown rice, etc. Recently discovered lupin flakes in the store so tried it out with cooking only with white rice. Initially tried a ratio of 1 : 3 (lupin:rice, see outcome in third picture).

The taste was great and the family both young and old liked it. I will increase the lupin content to ratio of 1 : 2 if only mixing with white rice next time. Or random ratios when I mix in other grains.

Happy to have found this as I want to increase the protein intake for my super small sized children.

Oh this was a lot cheaper than buying from redmart!


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