Review of Lunch bowl - Bonduelle by milvi4ka

photo of Bonduelle Lunch bowl shared by @milvi4ka on  20 Nov 2021 - reviewphoto of Bonduelle Lunch bowl shared by @milvi4ka on  20 Nov 2021 - reviewphoto of Bonduelle Lunch bowl shared by @milvi4ka on  20 Nov 2021 - review


This Lunch bowl is with bulgur, lentils, paprika and tomatoes. Saw this new product on some vegan websites recently and decided to try it. It doesn't have a lot of flavor to be honest, I added some extra spices. It is a good portion though, and it can be eaten both cold or microwaved. For those busy days in the office when you didn't have time to bring lunch from home, it is a nice alternative to the usual vegan salad from the supermarket.


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