Review of Vegan pie - GRO by janxr

photo of GRO Vegan pie shared by @janxr on  26 Apr 2021 - reviewphoto of GRO Vegan pie shared by @janxr on  26 Apr 2021 - review


A really good take on a vegan pork pie with lovely crumbly rich pastry & a meaty seasoned filling made from soya, pea protein, onion & potato 🥮🧅🥔 (& without that weird horrible jelly stuff that actual pork pies used to have!). Small in size they're great for picnics, lunch boxes or party food. 🧺🥳

rikesh Picture perfect Jan 🤩 1 likeReply
janxr It was certainly the perfect location for a great pie! 🌊😁 My husband was tutting in the background at the 'pie photoshoot' but needs must hey!? 🥮😂1 likeReply
rikesh Haha totally agree, it’s got to be done 📸 🥮 💯1 likeReply

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