Review of Organic unsweetened activated almond milk - Nutty Bruce by niroshap

photo of Nutty Bruce Organic unsweetened activated almond milk shared by @niroshap on  15 Mar 2021 - reviewphoto of Nutty Bruce Organic unsweetened activated almond milk shared by @niroshap on  15 Mar 2021 - review

Nutty Bruce

Found this in pick n pay today.. it was cheaper than the almond milk I generally drink and thought I’d try it out.
It is DELICIOUS! I’d definitely recommend it to anyone. I had it in my tea and really made the tea so creamy and yummy 🤤 definitely will purchase again.

david- What is activated supposed to mean lol2 likesReply
niroshap Activated means the nuts are soaked for a period of time before use. They apparently soak them for 12 hours before being used. Reply

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