Review of Vegan Kung Pao - Farm Boy by hbchic

photo of Farm Boy Vegan Kung Pao shared by @hbchic on  03 Feb 2021 - reviewphoto of Farm Boy Vegan Kung Pao shared by @hbchic on  03 Feb 2021 - reviewphoto of Farm Boy Vegan Kung Pao shared by @hbchic on  03 Feb 2021 - reviewphoto of Farm Boy Vegan Kung Pao shared by @hbchic on  03 Feb 2021 - review

Farm Boy

Another Farm Boy product. Completely new to me. I would have liked more sauce to go with the rice but the taste was good. The outer packaging makes it seem bigger than it is. It isn't the healthiest option, but it is just an easy meal to throw in the oven and it has a good flavour.

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