Review of PC Organics Smooth Peanut Butter - PC Organics by hbchic

photo of PC Organics PC Organics Smooth Peanut Butter shared by @hbchic on  30 Dec 2020 - reviewphoto of PC Organics PC Organics Smooth Peanut Butter shared by @hbchic on  30 Dec 2020 - review

PC Organics

Being #veganin2020 doesn't always have to be complicated or fancy sometimes the simplest things work great!

I personally love PC Organics smooth peanut butter (I also like the crunchy kind - it depends on my mood.) This peanut butter doesn't have icing sugar, sugar, salt, or any other weird ingredients. It just has one ingredient- dry roasted organic peanuts. It doesn't need all of that other stuff.

Aside from using it as pictured, you can also incorporate it into your cooking such as mixing it into an Asian style dish.

Just watch out for regular President's Choice products. One of their peanut butters has fish oil with no warning on the front and they also have fish oils in one of their tomato and basil sauces. Always check their ingredients because they don't make it obvious on the front label. (Especially when it's products that you don't expect to have fish in). That is something I have a big problem with! I find this sneaky, wrong, and unnecessary. Things like that should be shown on the front! There are people who are anaphylactic to fish too. You would expect the company to be more mindful of this since they launched their plant-based line.


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