Review of Vegan Burnt Cheesecake at SASCO@Khatib by gretchforveg

photo of SASCO@Khatib Vegan Burnt Cheesecake shared by @gretchforveg on  20 Nov 2020 - reviewphoto of SASCO@Khatib Vegan Burnt Cheesecake shared by @gretchforveg on  20 Nov 2020 - review

Found vegan burnt cheesecake at a cafe infront of Khatib mrt. Apparently this is their new addition to the vegan options and it is limited. The cake is very smooth and creamy, a hint of lemon taste makes it so refreshing. The sweetness is also just right for me. Most importantly, the price is really affordable for vegan cheesecake. Probably because this is a cafe + senior activity center that is owned by NPO, so they are trying to make the food here affordable to everyone.

dourayra can't wait to try this one!1 likeReply

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