Review of Unsweetened Organic Soy Beverage - Natura Mc by plantiful

photo of Natura Mc Unsweetened Organic Soy Beverage shared by @plantiful on  24 Aug 2019 - reviewphoto of Natura Mc Unsweetened Organic Soy Beverage shared by @plantiful on  24 Aug 2019 - reviewphoto of Natura Mc Unsweetened Organic Soy Beverage shared by @plantiful on  24 Aug 2019 - review

Natura Mc

on it's own, it isn't particularly creamy or sweet. the consistency is rather thin and the soy taste isn't very strong so honestly it kind of feels like drinking water with a soymilk aftertaste 😂 i much prefer bonsoy/vitasoy if you want to just drink the mylk plain. this one works better when you mix it with other things like oats/use it in a smoothie or in soups. the redeeming factor is that this soymilk is fortified with quite a lot of nutrients and has no added oil. also it's relatively high in protein for 1 serving. probably won't buy this again unless it's on offer. #crf


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