Alga Nori

by Yutaka
4.39 (74)
  • Is Alga Nori vegan? Yes! Alga Nori is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 32%

Alga Nori is a premium seaweed product that is perfect for adding flavor and texture to your favorite dishes. Made with high-quality ingredients, this seaweed is a must-have for anyone who loves the taste of seaweed. The delicate flavor and easy-to-use sheets make it a great choice for both experienced chefs and beginners alike. Whether you're using it to make sushi rolls, adding it to soups or noodle dishes, Alga Nori is sure to impress. Try it today and experience the unmatched quality and taste of this premium seaweed product.

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Most helpful reviews

Io (Michela) la adoro!!!!!!! Antony poverino non può mangiarle ma odia le alghe per la

"puzza di pesce". 😅
Io le trovo eccellenti: funzionali per qualsiasi tipo di ricetta (sushi, onogiri, snack) e davvero gustose! Le ho già ricomprate perché le avevo terminate! Anche alla nostra amica @daniela94 piacciono con gli onigiri 😊

Fogli di alga Nori, principalmente indicata per fare il sushi ma adatta anche per preparare

piatti al "sapore di mare". Ci ho fatto la pasta alle non-vongole, davvero buoni! In una confezione escono 5 fogli.

L'ho usata per farci del sushi con hummus di ceci e capperi. L'ho mangiata anche

a pezzettini mischiata dentro all'insalata. Comprata alla Coop.

#veganisnotscary #vegan

I bought the nori leaves for pickling tofu and carrots to get a fish oven

flavour. The leaves are easy to process. The flavour is less intense when dried, but it is typical of seaweed. I am curious to see how the pickled things taste.

#vegan #seaweed

Used these nori sheets to make some naughty deep fried banana blossom fish and chips.

Nori sheets were nice and big, loads in a packet added a nice flavour to the banana blossom pieces. Would buy these again! #sweetdreamsaremadeofgrease

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