Soya Drink

by Vivo Meglio
4.20 (88)
  • Is Soya Drink vegan? Yes! Soya Drink is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 60%

The soya drink is a healthy and convenient beverage that is perfect for daily use. With a smooth consistency, it is easy to use and makes for a great addition to cappuccinos. Its delicate taste is a result of the high-quality ingredients used, making it a popular choice for those seeking a healthier alternative to dairy milk. With positive reviews from satisfied customers, the soya drink is definitely worth trying.

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molto buono questo latte vegetale! dolce ma non eccessivamente: l’ho usato per fare il curry

di cavolfiore ed è venuto ottimo, super cremoso e ben bilanciato fra spezie, sapidità e dolcezza

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