Huevo Vegano

by Vive Veg
4.43 (64)
  • Is Huevo Vegano vegan? Yes! Huevo Vegano is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 28%

The Huevo Vegano is a plant-based alternative to traditional eggs. Made from a blend of chickpea flour and starch, it offers a delicious and nutritious option for those who prefer not to consume animal products. This vegan egg can be used in a variety of dishes, including omelets, quiches, and frittatas. Its rich flavor and satisfying texture make it a popular choice for breakfast, and it has received positive reviews from customers who appreciate its taste and versatility. Try the Huevo Vegano today and discover a new way to enjoy plant-based cooking.

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Most helpful reviews

El envase 100% biodegradable y compostable.
Sus ingredientes son: harina de garbanzo, harina de arveja, harina

de trigo, sal negra, cúrcuma, cebolla en polvo, pimienta, azucar, mascabo. Contiene gluten.
Ideal para tortilla, rebozados, omelette, buñuelos o panqueques salados.
En la segunda foto un ejemplo de tortilla de papa.

Torta oreo, con cremas veganas, todo vegano está buenísima, suave y deliciosa

Es una mezcla de harina de garbanzos, féculas y condimentos. Salen ricos omelettes. Te saca

del apuro
🌐It's like a blend of starch and chickpea flour. It's not that bad but I'm definitely not a fan

Lo usé para hacer un omelett y el aroma a huevo era muy fuerte 🤮,

eso se lo da la sal negra, tenía mucha cúrcuma y de sabor no quedó rico. Lo voy a probar en tortillas,creo que puede quedar mejor. La bolsita es compostable y amé que así sea. ♻️ #veganin2020

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