Biscotti Al Cacao

by Vemondo
3.84 (47)
  • Is Biscotti Al Cacao vegan? Yes! Biscotti Al Cacao is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 80%

Our Biscotti al Cacao are made with premium ingredients and offer a rich and decadent taste. These crispy and crunchy biscotti have a perfect balance of chocolate flavor that is sure to impress even the most discerning chocolate lover. They are perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth and can be enjoyed on their own or dunked in your favorite beverage. With positive reviews from customers, our Biscotti al Cacao are a must-try.

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Most helpful reviews

Piccoli biscottini per togliersi uno sfizio. Deliziosi per il té pomeridiano o anche per accompagnare

un caffè dopo pranzo!

Biscotti vegani al cacao con granelle di cioccolato 🍫 super consigliato agli amanti dei dolci

Vegan 🌱🌱🌱

The packing is inviting but I didn't like the taste so much. They are nice

small biscuits so I was thinking good also for decorations. I don't know if I will buy again. Label is good with flower, sugar, seeds oil, cocoa powder

Biscotti bellini e piccini ma non ho gradito moltissimo il sapore. Etichetta non male negli ingredienti perché ha solo farina zucchero, olio di semi e polvere di cacao. Lo zucchero è alto ma i grassi sono 16. Purtroppo in questo tipo di prodotti è così.

#cocoa #veganbiscuits #biscottivegani #lidlmonamour #lidl #abillionlove #abillionturns3 #veganisnotscary #vegan

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