Bio biscuits vainilla

by Vemondo
4.11 (56)
  • Is Bio biscuits vainilla vegan? Yes! Bio biscuits vainilla is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 0%

Bio Biscuits Vainilla are a tasty treat made with natural ingredients that will transport you back to your childhood. These biscuits have a rich vanilla aroma and a delightful flavor that is sure to please. They are easy to find and affordable, making them a guilt-free indulgence. With positive reviews from satisfied customers, Bio Biscuits Vainilla are a must-try for anyone who enjoys a tasty treat with their morning coffee or tea.

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Most helpful reviews

Sabor intenso a vainilla, se nota la textura del azúcar. Crujiente, genial para mojar en

leche vegetal, infusión, té, café, etc

Quanto li amo questi piccoli biscottini alla vaniglia!!! Piccole dolcezze da gustare in ogni momento

della giornata #vanilla

Paquetito pequeño con galletitas riquísimas sabor vainilla,bio, hay que tener en la despensa al menos

un paquete por si vienen visitas 🤗 #lidl

Aquestes galetes no les trobo bones, tenen massa sucre, no sé perquè posa Bio.

💪🐄🌱 #veganfortheanimals

Biscottini deliziosi! Dal gusto delicato. Sono perfetti per uno snack dopo cena o per il


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