2 burger ai funghi

by Vemondo
4.05 (135)
  • Is 2 burger ai funghi vegan? Yes! 2 burger ai funghi is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 83%

2 burger ai funghi is a dish made with two burgers and a blend of mushrooms. The burgers are made with high-quality ingredients and have a distinct mushroom flavor. Some customers have reported that the texture of the mushrooms adds an interesting element to the dish. Overall, this dish is worth trying for those who enjoy mushrooms and burgers.

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Avec cette vie bien remplie, nous devons avoir des options rapides, surtout la nuit et

avoir trouvé ce burger a rendu les choses beaucoup plus faciles.

#vemondo #vegan #burger

Burger di farina a base di soia, molto spugnoso, sapore di fungo molto alla lontana


UN burger Di verdure molto buono e gradevole. Facile da digerire. Ottimo per gli amanti

dei funghi come me.

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