La Crème Cioccolato Gusto Intenso

by Valsoia
4.33 (162)
  • Is La Crème Cioccolato Gusto Intenso vegan? Yes! La Crème Cioccolato Gusto Intenso is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 35%

La Crème Cioccolato Gusto Intenso is a vegan dessert that is made with soy cream and is known for its creamy and chocolatey taste. It is a perfect treat for those with a sweet tooth and can be enjoyed as a breakfast or snack. The pudding has a velvety consistency and a balanced sweetness that is loved by its customers. Indulge in the rich and decadent taste of La Crème Cioccolato Gusto Intenso and treat yourself to a moment of pure bliss.

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Most helpful reviews

Budino super denso e delizioso! Forse continuo a preferire quello alla vaniglia, ma anche questo

non ha quasi nulla da invidiare a quello Alpro, che secondo me resta il top di gamma 🤟🏻


Sweet, tasty and inexpensive chocolate pudding with added calcium and vitamins. #veganuary

Mah... Budinosa e poco cremosa, gusto un po' finto, non so, non mi è piaciuta

un gran che. Avevo voglia di yogurt che ovviamente in versione veg non c'era e ho ripiegato su questa ma avrei fatto meglio a farne a meno.

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