Affettato gusto speck

by Valsoia
4.12 (129)
  • Is Affettato gusto speck vegan? Yes! Affettato gusto speck is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 83%

Affettato Gusto Speck is a vegan-friendly snack that is made with the finest ingredients and packaged in eco-friendly materials. This product is not only delicious but also environmentally conscious. The unique blend of flavors in this snack is sure to satisfy your cravings. With rave reviews like "I really suggest this product, I will buy it again and again!" you know you're making a great choice by trying this out. So why not give Affettato Gusto Speck a try? It's a snack that you can feel good about enjoying.

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Most helpful reviews

Affettato gusto speck buono. Arricchito con acido linoleico, ricco di proteine e omega 6. Prodotto

in Italia

Purtroppo non posso parlare bene di questo prodotto.
Ho fatto davvero fatica a mangiarlo, gusto stranissimo

e mi ha dato la nausea.
Forse non sono adatta per questi cibi, meglio così

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