Baked Nuts & Dried Fruits Berry Mix

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#EveryEffortCount #11Feb #42/365 #246
The baked nuts and dried fruits:- Almond, Cashew Nut, Walnut, 
Macadamia, Pumpkin Seed, Dried cranberry, Thompson Raisin and Dried Blueberry. The one invented this mixed was so smart! You can easily finish the pack, nuts ..fruits...nut ..fruits and all gone! Yum 😋


Love this snacks!

Around $9 for 7 packs in NTUC FairPrice 


The berry mix comes in 7 packets and the individual packets are separated into nuts and berries. The nuts are crunchy while the berries are sweet. The packaging is quite unique and overall the berry mix is a healthy and nutritious snack.


The nuts and dried fruits taste pretty good but it's a lot of packaging waste!! 


I like that the berries and nuts are stored separately, but still in the same packet.

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