Cioccolato Fondente Extra 72%

by Solidal coop
4.41 (43)
  • Is Cioccolato Fondente Extra 72% vegan? Yes! Cioccolato Fondente Extra 72% is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 35%

Introducing our decadent Extra 72% Dark Chocolate - a chocolate lover's dream come true! Made with the finest ingredients, this indulgent treat is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth. With its rich, velvety taste and smooth texture, it's the perfect addition to any dessert or enjoyed on its own. Our Extra 72% Dark Chocolate is not only delicious but also environmentally friendly, with paper and aluminum packaging that helps reduce waste. So go ahead, indulge in the ultimate chocolate experience with our Extra 72% Dark Chocolate.

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Buonissimo cioccolato, si scioglie in bocca e non é troppo dolce. Confezione carta e alluminio.


chocolate, it melts in your mouth and is not too sweet. Paper and aluminum packaging.

#veganisnotscary #plasticfree

Ottima tavoletta di cioccolato fondente extra marchiata Fairtrade, quindi, anche eticamente sostenibile.

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