chiccolat riso

by Riso Scotti
3.94 (43)
  • Is chiccolat riso vegan? Yes! chiccolat riso is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN

Chiccolat Riso is an organic rice drink that is naturally sweet and gluten-free. It is made without any added sugar, making it a great option for those who prefer a sweet taste without the extra calories. Its characteristic natural sweetness gives it a unique flavor that is perfect for any occasion. Additionally, it is made with rice oil, which sets it apart from other milk alternatives. With its creamy texture, Chiccolat Riso is a plant-based milk that is sure to satisfy your taste buds.

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#latte di riso integrale con FIBRA - È una delle bevande più naturali che abbia

mai bevuto prodotte in Italia. Perfetto per chi è intollerante al lattosio e/o al glutine.

Latte di riso senza zuccheri aggiunti quindi va bene anche per preparazioni salate. Io l’ho

utilizzato per fare la besciamella ed è venuta buonissima 💪🏼

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