
by Oro saiwa
4.15 (52)
  • Is Cruscoro vegan? Yes! Cruscoro is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 57%

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Most helpful reviews

I biscotti salva vita dei vegani !
Personalmente li preferisco agli oro saiwa classici !

Secondo me sono validi anche per creare dei veg-tiramisù o mattonelle dolci veg ! 🌱🍪


Sono biscotti frollini molto saporiti,leggeri e fragranti,non eccessivamente dolci,buoni per colazione e merenda

Meh, I thought that these cookies woud be more rustic and overall more flavourfull, they

don't have much flavor, the original ones are better.

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