O leite sabor chocolate que você ama, reinventado! Not Milk Chocolate é um leite vegetal sem lactose* e fonte de cálcio e vitaminas. Delicioso no café da manhã e no lanchinho da tarde. Not Milk Chocolate faz qualquer um achar que usamos leite, mas é surpreendentemente feito de vegetais. Só provando para acreditar! *Como todo produto vegetal.
Most helpful reviews
Alta chocolatada. Cremosa!esta piolisima
Tastes like real chocolate milk. What more can I say? Except, perhaps, that they could start carrying the half gallon size of this in the supermarkets here. Or maybe bring in the NotCo ice creams!! 🍦🍦🍦
One thing I did notice was that I couldn’t get the last bit out of the carton and had to remove the plastic spout for it to get out. If I’m not the only one, perhaps they’d consider redesigning their packaging?
Nutritionally, an 8 ounce (237 mL) carton contains 130 calories from 5g of fat, 16g of carbs and 4g of protein. It is also a good source of vitamin D, calcium and B12.
Purchased again today on sale at Stop & Shop for $4.74, regularly priced at $5.99. In June it was on sale for $4.14, and I think the regular price was closer to $5.49.
#mylk #veganmilk #chocoholic #chocolate #chocolatelovers #protein #plantbased #vitamind #calcium #vitaminb12 #refreshingdrink #glutenfree #senzaglutine #singluten #glutenfrei #glutenfreevee
Leche vegetal de chocolateeee😍🍫 Dulcecita, suavecita, se parece mucho a la leche de vaca, pero es más rica, sana y hecha con amor❤️🐄🐄❤️
#vegan #vegetarian #vegetarianoshoy #veganbreakfast #lechevegetal #veganmilk #chocolate #veganchocolate #notco #veganfood #veganfortheanimals #vegetarianaporlosanimales #porlosanimales #abillionlove #loveanimals
This NotMilk chocolate milk is really good. It's thick but not as think as Ripple chocolate. It has a good amount of chocolatey and sweetness. I would definitely buy this again as it made my SunWarrior shake very tasty.
#abillionlove #chocolate #chocoholic #ditchdairy