Dolce di Pasqua Con Gooce di Cioccolato

by Nattura
4.20 (21)
  • Is Dolce di Pasqua Con Gooce di Cioccolato vegan? Yes! Dolce di Pasqua Con Gooce di Cioccolato is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 57%

Introducing our Easter dessert, made with organic ingredients and featuring a delicious chocolate chip topping. This vegan-friendly treat is ideal for those seeking a sweet and satisfying indulgence without compromising on their health. The dough is soft and packed with raisins, providing a delightful balance of sweetness and texture. This Colomba stands out from the typical desserts of the season due to the absence of candied fruit and the typical glaze of sugar and almonds. Try it today and discover the perfect combination of taste and health.

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Most helpful reviews

As soon as you open the package you are enveloped by an intense and appetizing

aroma of citrus and vanilla but the pleasant surprises do not end there! The dough is very soft and rich in raisins which balances the least amount of added sugars, making it greedy even for those - like me - who prefer foods with a strong sweet taste. This vegan Colomba, with organic ingredients, is also distinguished by the absence of candied fruit and the absence of the typical glaze of sugar and almonds. Perfect for those who are attentive to a healthier diet without giving up the pleasures of the throat.

Che bontà pasquale tutta vegetale! Un dolcetto da portare in tavola e cercare di non

mangiarlo...tutto in una volta!

Dolce di Pasqua, con farina integrale e gocce di cioccolato. È una piccola colomba di

soli 500g, soffice e molto piacevole da gustare a colazione con un cappuccino di soia

Colomba pasquale con gocce di cioccolato, buonissima. Certificata veganok.

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