
by MilanoVeg
4.46 (53)
  • Is Panettone vegan? Yes! Panettone is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 56%

Our vegan panettone is a traditional Italian Christmas cake that is made with only the finest ingredients. It is a fluffy and moist bread filled with juicy raisins and dusted with powdered sugar. This panettone is a sweet and indulgent treat that is perfect for celebrating the holiday season. It has a rich history and an irresistible flavor that is sure to become a new favorite. Some reviews mention its deliciousness and how it is a must-try for anyone who loves sweet treats.

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Most helpful reviews

'Tis the season. Panettone is the typical Italian Christmas cake and this is a very

good version. It’s basically extra soft and sweet bread with raisins (and sometimes candied orange - not in this case). On the expensive side, luckily we just eat it for one month a year. 🎄#veganin2020

Secondo me sì impasta un po' in bocca ma credo che scaldato e accompagnato magari

ad una crema sia molto valido! Purtroppo non ho trovato quello con le gocce di cioccolato😭

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