Bio lupin protein

by Koro
4.60 (7)
  • Is Bio lupin protein vegan? Yes! Bio lupin protein is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN

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Most helpful reviews

Prezzo ottimo per 1kg, ne uso 10 gr nel porridge la mattina, non si sente

il gusto dei lupini ma apporta un po' di proteine in più. Consiglio

Gluten free powder, easier to digest than other beans and very high in protein.

i currently try to get more protein into my food again and that's why i

bought this organic lupin protein, kinda to spice up my protein powder game. okayish 42g of protein. easy on my stomach. so really nothing i can complain about. also used it for baking protein banana bread and it worked great for this as well.

Sapore neutro. Molto versatile nelle ricette e nelle preparazioni. Ottimo il prezzo

Non sono amante dei lupi i , ma la farina mi piace
Ottimo fonte proteica

, sapore delicato

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