Tiras de Heura Originales

by Heura
4.58 (152)
  • Is Tiras de Heura Originales vegan? Yes! Tiras de Heura Originales is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 0%

Heura's Original Strips, also known as tiras de heura originales, are a plant-based chicken substitute made from soy protein. They are high in protein, fiber, iron, and vitamin B12, making them a nutritious option for those who follow a vegan diet. Customers who have tried these strips rave about their delicious taste and texture, which closely resembles that of real chicken. They are perfect for use in all your favorite chicken dishes, whether you're grilling, frying, or stir-frying. The strips have an impressive taste and texture that even the most discerning meat lover will appreciate. With a wide range of flavors and textures available, there is something for everyone to enjoy. So why not try them out for yourself and experience the future of plant-based protein? Order your Heura strips today and see what all the hype is about!

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Most helpful reviews

Es la primera vez que cocino Heura en casa (sí, debo ser la última) y

me ha encantado. Pensé que me daría grimilla al imitar textura como de pollo pero para nada, está buenísima.

La preparé con cebolla, pimiento, patatas pasadas por la sartén y bien de ajo en polvo y pimienta negra. Me sorprendió lo rápido que se cocinan.

En definitiva, no es algo que vaya a comprar semanalmente porque es un pelín caro, pero es una opción deliciosa.

Original Heura Strips.
Heura is a very delicious meat substitute, obtained mainly by soy protein. Tastes

so much like chicken! High in protein, fibre, iron & vitamin B12. Gluten-free 🙅🏻‍♀️
Ingredients: water 68,1%; soy protein concentrate 27,3%, olive oil 2,7%, salt, scents, spices, vitamin B12.
#abillionlove #veganchicken #healthy

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