Burgers Originales

by Heura
4.56 (10)
  • Is Burgers Originales vegan? Yes! Burgers Originales is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN

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Most helpful reviews

The burger is so juicy and tasty! It tastes exactly the same as an animal

hamburger! You will not tell the difference.

Sabor excelente y la textura me encanta. Lo único malo el precio.

Not the best vegan burgers I have ever tried, but not the worst either. Their

texture is very similar to meat, but their flavour is not so similar. They contain extra virgin olive oil, which a plus. Source of protein. They're pricey, but I bought them half price because their expiration date was close. The packaging contains too much plastic, although it says it's 90% recycled plastic.
Price: 5,05€
Impact credit: $0,70
#heura #veganburger #protein #sourceofprotein #unsustainablepackaging #animalliberation #animalrights #veganfortheanimals #veganforlife #thefutureisvegan

Muy ricas, se pueden comer como hamburguesa con su pan, tomate, lechuga... O trozeado en

guisos, pastas, etc.
No suelo comprarlas porque me sale más económico no comprar platos ya preparados pero en Carrefour siempre me fijo 👀 en la zona de caducidad próxima y hoy me llevé 2 de estas a 1,26€/paquete 👍 y siempre se pueden congelar si no se consumen enseguida ✨

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