Yay. #vegansausage
Even old grandpa liked it.
They taste nice. Not too dry, not too oily.
I pan-fried them (with left over TVP medaillons), it was perfect with a side of potatoes crisps.
#veganprotein content is pretty good, 13%.
On the pack it also says that it emitted 6 times less CO2 to make than animal based #sausages
Most helpful reviews
The best sausages I've had so far 🌱😋
They're really filling and yum. And they're so light and easier to digest for me than most vegan sausages (the beyond ones for example). So yeah it's a YES for me ✔✅
#veganisnotscary #abillionlove #abillion
Buonissime! Gli aromi sono bel bilanciati, la consistenza è ottima. Anche gli ingredienti non sono male
#vegansausage #sausage #happyvore #sausages #salsiccia #meatalternative #carnevegana #carnevegetal
Très bon, ressemble à s'y méprendre avec de "vraies" chipolatas, très rapide et simple à préparer. Comme généralement pour ces produits, le seul bémol reste le prix (4.50€ les 4 chipolatas)!
Une des meilleures saucisses véganes, à faire a la poêle 🍳 biens grillés. Superbe