Tofu Firme

by Hacendado
4.40 (179)
  • Is Tofu Firme vegan? Yes! Tofu Firme is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 0%

Introducing our new Firm Tofu - the perfect addition to your daily meals! Made with the highest quality ingredients, this tofu is not only delicious but also packed with protein and other essential nutrients. Its firm texture makes it ideal for stews, stir-fries, and sauces, and it easily absorbs the flavors of your favorite spices and seasonings. Customers have praised the taste and texture of this tofu, and it's sure to satisfy your taste buds. Whether you're a seasoned tofu lover or trying it for the first time, our Firm Tofu is a great choice. Give it a try today and experience the deliciousness for yourself!

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Most helpful reviews

Me gusta, buen tamaño, precio y firmeza, macerado o envuelto en algas nori está genial!

También para empanadas, etc

Tofu from Hacendado
I must say that Real quantity-price is not the best that I

ve seen .
The taste is ok , but is not hard tofu like they say in the packet, it is medium-soft tofu.
The second picture 📸 is the result of fake “carne con tomate y setas 🍄” ; I did it with a special tomato sauce , a good “sofrito” : 🧅 + green pepper +garlic + Rueda (vegan ) white wine ; I added the setas (pleurotus) #veganisnotscary #setas #tofu #spanish

Comprado en Mercadona, es un bloque de tofu que ahora vale 2€ (antes 2'3€😘). Se

puede congelar, de ahí el que caducase en septiembre del año pasado pero yo lo vaya a usar en febrero.
#abillionlove #truquitos

Es el tofu que utilizo habitualmente para todo tipo de recetas, me gusta mucho enrollarlo

en alga nori y macerarlo con jengibre, zumo de limón y salsa de soja. Frito o al horno está genial

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