Mermelada de fresa

by Hacendado
3.90 (20)
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 0%

Introducing our mermelada de fresa, a versatile spread made from fresh strawberries. With its vibrant red color and smooth texture, this jam is perfect for spreading on toast or using as a sweet addition to your favorite recipes. Made with the finest ingredients, our strawberry jam has a rich and flavorful taste that will satisfy your sweet tooth. Its mild sweetness and fruity aroma make it a popular choice for breakfast or as a dessert topping. With positive reviews from satisfied customers, our mermelada de fresa is a must-try for all jam lovers.

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Most helpful reviews

Azúcar a cascoporro pero es mermelada, qué queremos.... Genial como decoración y punto para las tartas de "queso", bien de precio y bote de cristal.


Muy rica pero engorda yo metiendo todas las tardes y lo noto 


Me encanta de sabor es adictiva, pero es puro azúcar 

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