
by Gusta
4.34 (13)
  • Is Creton vegan? Yes! Creton is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 80%

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Most helpful reviews

Love this stuff. This was just a sample that they gave with any purchase over

10$ at Avrils. But this stuff is delicious on toast, will definitely be buying some.

Si tu t'ennuies des cretons cours acheter ce produit.

This is a great alternative to the traditional creton! So much more nutritive and without

the cruelty and abuse 🤗 I loved it on toast, reminded me of my old omnivore days 🤪

My first bite took me back to eating wurst on toast at my grandparents when

I was a kid.

Paired with crackers and cheeze and a book. Perfect comfort food.

Très bons cretons! Dommage qu'ils ne s'étendent pas mieux sur les toasts par contre. Idée

: une version avec moins d'huile de coco serait bien.

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