Imitación Queso tipo Americano

by GüD
4.44 (84)
  • Is Imitación Queso tipo Americano vegan? Yes! Imitación Queso tipo Americano is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 80%

Introducing Imitación Queso tipo Americano - the perfect vegan alternative for all your cheesy cravings! Made with non-dairy ingredients, this cheese is not only cruelty-free but also packed with flavor. Whether you're making delicious enchiladas or satisfying your inner child with a grilled cheese sandwich, this cheese will exceed your expectations. At an amazing price, you can enjoy the ooey-gooey goodness of this cheese without breaking the bank. With rave reviews from customers who love its taste and affordability, there's no reason not to try it out. So go ahead, indulge in the deliciousness of Imitación Queso tipo Americano and experience the vegan revolution like never before!

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Most helpful reviews

Amazing cheese 🧀 amazing price. Taste better than the traditional slices. Less than a dollar

for a pack. I strongly recommend it.

At the back of the picture, you can see a 💀 candle 🕯️ because the day of the dead is coming. #veganisnotscary

#cheese #mexico #dayofthedead

Siempre había visto la polémica de este queso 🥸 algunes me han dicho que es

la peor compra que han hecho pero yo creo que está BUENISIMO jajajajaj, es el queso vegano más barato del Mercado y sabe exactamente igual al queso tipo americano tradicional ajsjaja, yo sí lo planeo volver a comprar la vdd <3 #abillionlove

Es buena opción si quieren hacer hamburguesas o platillos que lo requieren pero no está

tan rico. No sabe a queso pero aún así sabe bien si lo combinas con otras cosas. Se derrite bien, yo los use para unos sopes 😁 Se los recomiendo para ocasiones que lo requieran @sincarneporfa #teamcangrejitxs #veggiereto #sincarneporfavor

rebanadas de queso libres de lácteos y caseina, hecho a base de soya. Tiene muy

buen sabor y su costo es similar al del queso lácteo. #quesovegano #veganuary

I like this American type cheese more than others, first because is very cheap and

for soy allergics it doesn’t content soy, the taste is good, I never liked too much the regular american cheese but this one is very aceptable the flavor. I used it mostly for just making a sandwich. I’ve seen it in almost all vegan stores and HEB. Cost is $ 19 Mexican pesos (1 usd) #veganuary #festive

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