Le fresche biscottate integrali

by GrissinBon
4.45 (41)
  • Is Le fresche biscottate integrali vegan? Yes! Le fresche biscottate integrali is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 80%

🥖 LeFrescheBiscottate is a brand of wholemeal rusks from GrissinBon. Made with 100% wholemeal flour, these biscotti are a crispy yet soft texture that pairs well with sweet flavors like chestnut cream or chocolate cream. The raw taste of the wholemeal flour complements the sweetness of the creams, creating an irresistible treat for any time of the day. Some customers have reported enjoying them with their morning coffee, while others have used them as an indulgent snack.

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Comprate da tenere in casa x colazione quando il pane scarseggia, come in questi giorni,

sono in pacchetti da 4. Purtroppo c è molta plastica ma io le mangio molto raramente, perderebbero tutta la loro freschezza se non fossero incartate così #rifugiomiletta

Fette biscottate integrali, molto buone anche se molto croccanti e a tratti 'dure'. Consiglio lo


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