Plant Base Custard Pudding

by Glico
4.08 (7)
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Saw a review of this on the app so we went searching for it at #donki and there were 2 left waiting for @haylie and I heh. Amazed that this is eggless and dairy-free but tasted so rich! Best eaten chilled, the pudding texture is silky smooth and reminded me of the custard in egg tarts. Even has a caramel topping like an eggy jiggly flan, but I ate this straight from the tub so it was right at the bottom 🙃🍮 I did find it too sweet towards the end but definitely worth a try!

#veganin2020 day 17
79 #daystreak


Yassss finally found this in donki. Dangerous for waistline but good for the soul. The taste is just as how I remembered it. Texture is slightly different (less creamy more jiggly?) But still a solid vegan rendition 😍 #abillionturns3

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