sensational filet

by Garden Gourmet
4.02 (10)

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I liked it very much! The juiciest "chicken breast" I've ever eaten! I enjoyed every bite! highly recommend!!


Questi filetti vegetali sono il massimo, squisiti se lasciati un po' rosolare in olio, vanno bene con qualsiasi contorno, buonissimi e leggeri!


So the advertisement on the street worked for me... even if I already had this product months ago and was not too fond of it, after seeing the ad all over Zurich I wanted to try it again. Yesterday I was shopping grocery for a barbecue this evening, and I thought this would be great on the grill. I was in #migros , one of the main supermarkets of Switzerland, and first I couldn't find it, so I bought various different things (vegan sausages, vegan skewer, corn...), but then, some aisles away, I found it, the sensational #filet #chickenstyle I was looking for at first. It came in a double package with an offer of 25%, so I payed it 9.75 CHF instead of 13 for 4 filets. Still expensive, but this is a freeking expensive land...
Migros is developing the vegan offer: instead of having a super small section where everything was put together, there are now more sections, and bigger, spread around the supermarket 😁 it's surely a great marketing gimmick, so people who already took other products like me yesterday will reconsider and maybe add items, but I like it đŸ€© I like to see more and more vegan products around, and I like that they aren't anymore in the meat section, so I can directly skip this horror section.
To come back to the filet. It appears that the main ingredient is... water! 😀 water used to rehydrate wheat and soy protein and just pure water 😅 then there is #colza oil and #sunflower oil, brandy vinegar, some aroma, lemon fibres and other spices. The nurti-score indicated on the package is A, so it should be really healthy.
As you see, in the end I couldn't resist and I had it for dinner with some salad. I cooked it with a little bit of sunflowerseeds oil and the colour came out beautifully, as on the picture of the advertisement! It's also true that it has a juicy bite. I had one, and after that I wanted more, but I can't say if I was still hungry or, more likely, just kind of addicted 😅 🙃
I know #nestle is not a good brand to support, but I want to believe that every effort counts when it comes to a change in the society's way of consumption, so I'm happy to see even the big and omnipresent brands see the urge to propose vegan products, even if it is because they see that there is a big demand from the costumers. I won't buy that product often, but I'm glad to have the opportunity to eat it every now and then.
#fakechicken #veganchicken #veganisnotscary


A mi madre (no vegana) y a mĂ­ nos han encantado. Saben a pechuga de pollo y la textura estĂĄ muy conseguida: son tan jugosas como las de origen animal pero sin la crueldad, aunque no se me olvida que la marca pertenezca a NestlĂ©. Considero que estĂĄn muy bien para consumo esporĂĄdico teniendo en cuenta el precio... Las comprĂ© pensando en el gran capo de The Vegetarian Butcher, que no he probado aĂșn, y me alegra haberlo hecho. A ver si priebo el gran capo algĂșn dĂ­a tambiĂ©n, pero sĂ­ volverĂ­amos a comprar estas (si las encontramos en oferta).

4,59€ (180 g)


Sensational Fillet de la marca Garden Gourmet, comprado en Carrefour.
Tanto la textura como el 
sabor me han gustado bastante đŸ‘ŒđŸŒ y se cocinan muy rĂĄpido.
Teniendo en cuenta que Heura tiene un producto empanado parecido, prefiero comprar su producto antes que volver a consumir este por ser de NestlĂ©, pero agradezco que vayan aumentando su lĂ­nea de productos veganos en el mercado, porque ayuda a que sean mĂĄs accesible para todo el pĂșblico.

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