Focaccia Con Pomodorini

  • Is Focaccia Con Pomodorini vegan? Yes! Focaccia Con Pomodorini is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 11%

Introducing our Focaccia con Pomodorini, a soft and fluffy Italian bread that is topped with juicy cherry tomatoes and a sprinkle of fresh oregano. Made with extra virgin olive oil, this focaccia is a quick and tasty lunch option that is perfect for on-the-go. The crispy crust and moist interior make it a delightful treat that is sure to satisfy your cravings for something savory and delicious. With its authentic flavors, this classic Italian dish is sure to leave you wanting more. Try it today and experience the perfect balance of flavors that will leave you craving for more.

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Most helpful reviews

Delicious focaccia topped with cherry tomatoes and oregano, high and soft, only extra virgin olive

oil and no preservatives; note that on the package it is written "suitable for vegans", very good! #abillionlove

Focaccia con pomodorini in versione mini presa ai distributori della stazione Termini. Costa troppo (2

euro) ma alla fame e alla gola non si resiste. Buona e morbidissima, solo un po' troppo salata... in tutti i sensi!

Trovata nel market vicino al campeggio a Sirolo, ottimo prodotto quando sei vegano e in

cerca di un prodotto che ti aiuti a riconoscerlo subito!pomodorini sempre buoni!

Scaldata alla piastra molto buona, ovviamente non da mangiare tutti i giorni magari ✌🏻

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