Smoothie Frutos Rojos Y Almendra

  • Is Smoothie Frutos Rojos Y Almendra vegan? Yes! Smoothie Frutos Rojos Y Almendra is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 0%

The smoothie is made with red fruits and almonds, and is a gluten-free and TACC-free beverage. It is made with happy cow milk and is perfect for hot summer days. Some reviews mention that it is refreshing, healthy, and rich in flavor. It is ideal for vegans and is a guilt-free treat that you will love.

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Smoothie de frutos rojos y almendras.
Excelente producto. Riquísimo y abundante.
Viene en botella de vidrio para


Me gustan mucho los Smoothies de Felices. Parecen super frescos.
Vienen en botellas de vidrio para

Se puede conseguir en cualquier dietética.

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