Bought this at Giant for just $10- so delicious! I can finally eat pizza again! Haven't in almost a year, and this was a most welcome relief!! So delicious đ
Most helpful reviews
I decided to try this because I loved the other kind so much. And it was delicious. I actually prefer this one because itâs not as heavy on the mock meats; it also has mushrooms and bell peppers, which diversifies it.
Massa muito crocante e fina, bem recheada e sem gluten. Fåcil e råpida de preparar. Vale a pena!
#veganpizza #nyc
1 of #Daiya's better pizzas.. For me, it was a little tricky getting the crust brown before the cheese burnt. Definitely, prefer their pizzas with cheese over the ones with no cheese. Also good if you add a little vegan Parmesan on top. Thin crust is always a plus with me. I would definitely buy again. Ate the whole thing in one sitting. #Sorrynotsorry.
Good pizza. I liked the subtle sweetness. Not my favorite but I enjoyed #veganisnotscaryÂ