Yogur a Base de Coco sabor Durazno Sin Azúcar Agregada

by Crudda
4.28 (41)
  • Is Yogur a Base de Coco sabor Durazno Sin Azúcar Agregada vegan? Yes! Yogur a Base de Coco sabor Durazno Sin Azúcar Agregada is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 64%

This coconut yogurt has a tangy durian flavor and is made with natural coconut milk. It is a healthy and satisfying treat that is creamy and smooth. It is perfect for those who love the rich texture of yogurt and want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It has no added sugar and can be enjoyed as a snack, dessert, or topping for fruits. The unique flavor of durian is present in every bite. Try it today and experience the deliciousness of this yogurt.

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Most helpful reviews

Me encantan todos los sabores de yogures de esta marca, uno más rico que otro,

en este caso de durazno y me gusto mucho, sobre todo por ese toque acido que tiene. Me costo $180 Pesos Argentinos y lo rerecomiendo 🤗

Es un yogurt sin azúcar agregada pero casi no se nota la diferencia, es casi

tan rico como el común.

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