This is the creamiest almond I’ve tried. It has a hint of vanilla. But it’s on the pricy side, $4 for 750ml, so I only get it when it's on sales 😅 #veganisnotscary
Most helpful reviews
Very delicious vanilla almond milk. I liked adding this to cereal and coffee. I don’t remember where this was purchased, but I like it, and I would definitely do this brand again. #abillionlove 
Leche de almendra con vainilla. #tierradeanimales
Claudia Almond Milk was pretty much a water downed version of almond milk . The vanilla taste seemed to be odd to me paired with almond milk . I wouldn’t suggest you trying this flavor at all .
This almond milk is okay. Califia farms always seems to have an unusual flavor to it, kind of like artificial sweetener or something. The packaging on this is just very aesthetically pleasing