Streichcreme Curry Mango Papaya

by Alnatura
4.23 (12)
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 55%

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This spread is amazing! Such an exotic mix, Curry, mango and papaya 🥭 savory with a hint of fruity sweetness 🧡


love love love this spread. Tastes like what it sound like and works as a spread, dip or even as a pasta sauce.


Spalmabile al curry e mango perfetto a mio parere per insaporire verdure come zucca o verdure appunto al curry, oppure da solo per crostini. Molto originale soprattutto in confronto a quanto reperibile normalmente nei supermercati italiani.


Vegan tasty and creamy spread with curry, papaya and mango. 


Fruchtiger Brotaufstrich mit Curry, Mango und Papaya. 

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