
by Al Kabeer
4.33 (3)
  • Carbon impact iconSaved 16%

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Most helpful reviews

Great tasting and easy to prep frozen felafel, just pop them in the air fryer

& few minutes later it’s done. Made a delicious wrap with it. It was so good that I even forgot to take a picture of it! 😂

#veganisnotscary #veganin2022

This tastes pretty good and flavorful when heated up! At least 10 mins in the

toaster does it nicely. Had this in a wrap with hummus made by @theminttobe. A yummy nutritious meal that’s fun to make with a friend and easy enough to put together in the office! #vegbuddies

Stonks from Mustafa a month back! Always a plus when it's @veganlion taste buds approved


Easy to prepare with the air fryer
I am the air fryer king

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