Post by abillion

photo shared by @abillion on  28 Apr 2022 - post

We have to band together as equals to bring about a more vegan world. Let’s include, not isolate. Teach, not reprimand. We’re all here because we want to live more sustainably and mindfully, so let’s talk to others with the same compassion. 🧡

#abillion #findyourimpact #bekind

ctfloof 💯👍11 likesReply
larissamaluf We have been there sometime. Lets help each other. ❤️21 likesReply
silaveganita ❤🌱True🌱❤3 likesReply
lizmaselli This is what's so great about abillion, inclusivity. Making veganism inclusive to all. Even if someone isn't fully vegan yet, because of abillion they're eating vegan means and buying vegan products and then donating $ funds to animals. So not only are less animals being eaten while creating more demand for vegan products, they're also giving back to animals. Discouraging is not the way to promote veganism. Yes, it can be frustrating that we don't live in a vegan world and we still must fight for the animals, but bullying and creating division is not the way to spread and encourage growth within the vegan community. We must be inclusive and inviting to all which is the biggest way to facilitate positive relationships and change!40 likesReply
lizmaselli ostracizing non vegan members means less vegan meals will be eaten, less vegan products and less members on the app donating money to animal sanctuaries who are really in need right now.26 likesReply
ultraviolett20 Do you know where Carliles post went? Did he delete his profile??2 likesReply
natalinkal He has left Abillion. You can still enjoy his posts on Twitter under C4ARLILE.3 likesReply
vforvegan Indeed ! 🙏🏼💚💚6 likesReply
robertanatoli Wish I was born into a vegan family, but it wasn't like that.. I succeeded, with the years and the examples I have' important to feel welcomed and encouraged to make big changes.. I thank all vegans who inspired and those who still do it today.. Thank you🙏❤️12 likesReply
veganapoesia  I believe we inspire the change through loving words 🧡8 likesReply
nancytigress 🤗4 likesReply
ultraviolett20 If everyone is welcome than also the members that critize!? If not, that would not be compassionate, would it?7 likesReply
southernveganupnorth Thank you for this post! There are many vegans who turn people away from our cause by simply being unwilling to allow others the time and space to embrace the conclusion we have all come to, and that only further hinders our progress. Before I was vegan, if my choice to be vegan had relied on me engaging with vegans to see if I would be accepted and could find community, I would never have joined because the hostility and aggression from many within our community is unlike anything I have experienced before. I will never understand embracing a movement which has kindness as a core value, and then not extending that kindness to the human beings on whom you are wholly reliant to achieve any of your goals. Not only is it counterproductive, it forces the rest of us to have to deal with the pushback, derision and ridicule from omnivores who have had terrible experiences with vegans and think we are all awful people. Personally, I would much rather applaud someone for adopting Meat Free Mondays or switching to plant milk, than tear them apart for the animal products they still consume and then somehow hoping they will join me in ending animal exploitation 19 likesReply
southernveganupnorth Sorry, not sure why my comment came under yours and not the picture! 1 likeReply
stevenneoh Uhh no? What you're saying is tantamount to proposing that hate speech be acceptable under the aegis of freedom of expression1 likeReply
stevenneoh @southernveganupnorth Most such vegans are simply virtue-signalling to fill some void in their lives 😥5 likesReply
soyflake If someone is "turned away by other vegans" then they were never gonna be vegan anyway. You go vegan for the animals - not for the vegans. If you applaud someone "meatfree Monday" then I hope you applaud someone for "wife-beating-free-monday" too. 6 likesReply
southernveganupnorth First of all, I am a black woman and white vegans are some of the most racist people I have ever met so yes, I would’ve 1000% been turned away from veganism had their reaction to me been a deciding factor to me embracing veganism. Second of all, as a survivor of domestic abuse, conflating two very different and not even related topics to make a point about *my* vegan is not only aggressively rude but tone deaf and lacking in the very compassion this post was asking for. Don’t @ me with half-baked nonsense when I am living and breathing a vegan life daily despite how unwelcoming and hostile my fellow vegans have been to me10 likesReply
soyflake You ask for compassion yet you take a dump on someones skin color? You get offended by the "wife-beating-free-monday" yet this is exactly what you advocate for the animals with "meatfree Monday". Does this make any sense to you?2 likesReply
southernveganupnorth What are you even talking about? White vegans have been racist *to me* for merely existing in the mostly exclusively white spaces veganism occupies in my part of the world. I actually don’t have the time or emotional bandwidth for aggression on a post asking you to stop doing that to other people. Stay blessed with this block ✌🏽10 likesReply
soyflake So let me get this straight, instead of addressing and engaging in the conversation of why you're offended by even the thought of "wife-beating-free-monday" but yet you advocate for this for the animals by applauding "meatfree Monday", but instead you pull up something completely unrelated in an attempt to portray yourself as the victim? Ok then 1 likeReply
oddish Hey friend, next time it might be better for the whole community to not purposely egg someone on. Not everything requires a response 🧡2 likesReply
stevenneoh Hey, thanks for reaching out and for making the point so courteously. Another user said in one of the Mandarin replies not to stoop to their levels, I guess you both have a point. Truth be told, at the start I just wanted to get one or two jabs in, taste of their own medicine type stuff. But somewhere in the middle I decided I would push them to the point where they said something to get them banned from the app, simply because the app is a better place without them if they can't fit in with what the Abillion folks had said in the main post. I don't regret that decision now, but maybe I will when I wake up tomorrow, who knows.

I apologise if anyone else felt targeted by what the now-deleted user said about non-vegans.1 likeReply
andreadal I am white woman, I am vegan and I am not racist. Don’t accuse. 2 likesReply
andreadal I meant to reply to another comment here. The comment, which says that white vegans are racists. 1 likeReply
veganhaven yeah, it tends to be quite the opposite, in my experience 😅1 likeReply
anissabklyn Sending you a hug. I am sorry that you have experienced this @southernveganupnorth Reply
titoherbito You're confusing being kind with not telling the truth. The truth is told and people feel offended and attacked. What really bothers is not the way to say it, but the truth itself.8 likesReply
soyflake Being kind doesn't mean to withhold the truth. Just because someone feels called out by the truth, it doesn't mean we shouldn't hide the truth. There's an animal holocaust going on and it needs to be addressed. 8 likesReply
soyflake Ah crap I meant to reply to the picture not your comment sorry😂Reply
missgoodlife You say we should call out the truth yet when southernveganupnorth shared/called out the issue of racism amongst white vegans you seemed to dismiss it. It is an actual issue on many sites and your deafness to it kinda proves her point. It’s all learning and expanding our minds to others experiences. She’s a vegan and your busy shaming her for specieism. This is exactly the behavior that turn people away from seeking veganism, so are you really saving animals in the end or just making yourself feel better by bullying others? 3 likesReply
soyflake Oh please. You carnists always has a way to find the victim role. You go vegan for the animals not for the admiration of others. Prejudice against white people IS racism. But speciesism and racism boils down to the same root of evilness: the belief that you're superior. Stop being racist and stop being speciesist. And stop talking to me If you still pay for slavery, torture and murder. Bye2 likesReply
mikael ❤️1 likeReply
rebeljana Couldn’t agree more. Thank you abillion 🙏❤️3 likesReply
stevenneoh Thank you for being the voice of reason again @abillion10 ❤️❤️ I believe that the kindest and most compassionate thing that one can do is be anti-natalist. Yet I don't go around crapping on members who talk about their kids in their reviews, do I? Respecting people whose views fundamentally differ from ours is nothing more than basic humility and decency, however hard that may sometimes be.15 likesReply
soyflake If you're an antinatalist then veganism is logic. Antinatalism without veganism is just childfreeReply
stevenneoh I avoid all animal by-products unless I have no option to do so without causing serious social upset. That doesn't make me a vegan, and some of comments here remind me of why I don't want to be one anyway.3 likesReply
soyflake Which one? I'd love to hear your which one makes you not want to be against animal abuse. 2 likesReply
stevenneoh Oh, whichever ones try to guilt-trip people for not being fully "vegan", insensitive to whatever pressures (social, cultural, monetary) they may be under and to whatever efforts they may already be making to go "against the grain". The same ones that claim a disparaging moral high ground and make an unnecessary effort to signal virtue. Look, I don't know who you are and what your life is like, but, if there's a void in it, perhaps try to fill it with human love?4 likesReply
stevenneoh I stand in solidarity with whoever is feeling horrible because of people like you4 likesReply
soyflake If you enslave, rape and kill other sentient beings then you have every reason to feel guilty. Veganism is the opposite of moral high ground, it's aknowlegding that you're not superior and that nobody should die or be exploited for your personality pleasure. If anything it's the non-vegans who think they're superior to non-humans. So superior that their pleasure or culture justifies violence and abuse. You say vegans have a "void in their life", you wanna know the truth? Vegans are angry because there's an animal holocaust going on and non-vegans like you act like it's just whatever that a trillion animals are being exploited, raped and murdered for nothing more than a sandwich or a jacket.4 likesReply
felice ...accusing someone who has written over 2000 reviews on this app of not caring about animals is a bit of a stretch, steven has obviously made a huge difference for animals and sanctuaries by doing so and is really supporting this whole movement 😊3 likesReply
chrisdandrea Couldn’t agree more!Reply
vivalaviolet Love spreading the love and positive vibes! Thank you for the positive messaging! 💜🥰💜1 likeReply
oddish I’d have never gone vegan if it weren’t for a passionate vegan calling out my hypocrisy. Just because some people don’t take kindly to that sort of activism, doesn’t mean that’s the case for everybody! Some people need a hard push.7 likesReply
mariademiranda Se can think better everyday.. be better , too.1 likeReply
sanleeping I think there should be room for agitators in this space. . Every movement needs a few agitators.1 likeReply
oddish Agreed! Up until this comment thread, I’d never seen any kind of extreme criticism on here or anything. Straightforward passion, sure, but there’s a difference. Kinda sad it’s becoming nasty in here now, but then again I understand why people are upset, too.1 likeReply
thedawnofthevegans What about compassion? There are people out there that cannot afford vegan food and they have to rely on junk food to live because it is all they can afford. Others do not even have access to grocery stores because companies will not invest in certain areas.
Let’s not fight among ourselves but learn from each other, and encourage love for all animals and Mother Earth.
If we fight against each other, the real problems get forgotten.Reply
lliguerpr96 McDonald's fries, the only country where they're not vegan is in the US. McD's french fries have "cow (euphemism 'beef') fat"Reply
thedawnofthevegans I including in the non-vegan category food that has ingredients that still hurt animals like palm oilReply
azzulan I'm so agree with you, abollion. ❤️Reply
piggy-egg 真正的残疾,不是外在的身根不全,而是心中根本沒有慈悲和包容!语言是人际间沟通的重要工具,运用不当,则是伤人的强烈武器。因此,学习说好话,以随喜赞叹給欢喜,也是一种修行。
无须在此平台出言不逊,你做了多少是你的选择!我们都在努力朝向更好的方向,或许步伐不一致,但都是心存善念!请自重自爱!1 likeReply
stevenneoh 我看到他们一个一个针对你语气又那么狠,替你心疼。很佩服你的包容心,永远支持你!1 likeReply
piggy-egg 谢谢你的反击!我受宠若惊!🤣🤣

mparramon Yeah that did go a bit too far, a bit ashamed to see such bigotry in my mother tongues…

@gatavegana properament afegirem un botó per traduir els textos i comentaris. De moment pots fer una captura de pantalla, anar a Google Translate i traduir.

Avisa’m quan hagis vist això, que et bloquejaré, no vull veure els teus comentaris racistes. Reply
luisafdem How someone will become vegan without information, without reading articles or studies and with no support from the vegan community? Veganism is not a club or a hobby exclusive for "higher members". Let's support each other!6 likesReply
ctfloof agree - the attacks and nastiness totally unnecessary - peace ☮️ and love 💗 whilst educating so much nicer 2 likesReply
veganhaven The truth can be uncomfortable sometimes. Some people need to hear it out to wake up. You can have an open mind about it or get defensive. We must realize that we only 'go vegan' for the animals not for the sake of vegans. Some say they won't go vegan because of a few 'toxic vegans' XD - that's quite frankly silly bcz most vegans don't even say anything tbh, most are nice people. Some do get angry, like regular people. Why do people think vegans to be some sort of saints or the epitome of kindness!?? Veganism is not a kindness or politeness movement lol. But. It's good to be respectful to each other, esp. online where it can easily get toxic. No matter how some vegan/random person acts doesn't give us right to exploit other sentient beings. And although I have little patience with people who say 'cheese though'.. I still don't bash people online. There will inevitably be discussions here now that Abillion allows social posts. But please let's not make it toxic. 3 likesReply
paolaf My daughter has been vegan to 6 years and I now consider myself 90% vegan. For me, that having gluten problems, is much more complicated because so many things you can eat contain gluten. I hope that the various companies make an effort to create variety of products for us as well. Thank you very much for the help you give to the Rifugio Miletta e Santuario Capra libera tutti with your donations 💙Reply
brtjohns Thank you for posting this. A lot of accusatory tone, superiority complex and impassioned alienating nonsense on here and other social media platforms from toxic vegans. There are bad apples in every group. They need to be overwhelmed with respectful, not overly biased leadership that inspires curiosity. Reply
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