Loaded Nachos

  • Is Loaded Nachos vegan? Yes! Loaded Nachos is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
4.80 (8)

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Most helpful reviews

Really loaded! Perfect dish to share. A lot of nachos, awesome vegan cheese and abundant

avocado. reasonable prices for a huge portion.

Nachos veganos del restaurante Vegan Junkies! EstĆ”n buenĆ­simos! SĆŗper recomendable!

Buonissimi ed enormi! Li abbiamo divisi in 5 e abbiamo fatto un bellā€™aperitivo.
Occhio al

coriandolo per quelli che non lo amano.

Bue sabi
Para dividir porque Ć© muito, tem de se ir com fome para depois conseguir

comer outro prato

Amazing! Great flavours, good amount of food for the price and I really like how

it was presented.

This is really so amazing, I loved it, nice to share with others šŸ˜

Ok people, this was a turning point in my life, for real.
I love nachos and

i used to have it very often. To be onest, i was missing this plate very much.
Thatā€™s why i loved to try these Loaded Nachos andā€¦ nothing, it was just extraordinary.
Crunchy nachos with a lot of Violife cheese, an incredible spicy mayo, fresh coriander and a super tasty guacamole in the centre.
Ah, and also.. Gluten free!
5 stars is the minimum for this placešŸ‘ŒšŸ¼

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