Pink Bombshell Burger

  • Is Pink Bombshell Burger vegan? Yes! Pink Bombshell Burger is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
4.22 (9)

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THE SAUCE & SWEET POTATAAAA FRIES r the bombbbbbb. Wasn’t sure what was the sauce

made of but it brought my taste buds into a different dimension when both is eaten together. The patty wasn’t meaty at all, but I love how it’s made from mostly vegetables and u r able to taste pieces of beetroot in it too. The cheese in the burger were tad too chewy and tasteless.

Beetroot patty, then with all the usual burger essentials (onion, lettuce, tomato, barbecue sauce, vegan

cheese) and a side of sweet potato chips + vegan mayo. They heard that we were going to share so very helpfully served the burger pre-sliced in two. #veganburger #supportlocal

Heard of much hype about this burger, and I had to give it a try.

The burger bun was not as fluffy as I would like it. Patty was delicious. I did not like the spicy dressing on the salad.

It’s super yummy 🤤 ! The pink bun, the patty, the coleslaw, the creamy vegan

herb cheese, the crispy sweet potato fries. Love it 😍

🌱Pink Bombshell Burger - Beautiful fluffy burger bun, melted herb cheese, lettuce, tomato, caramelised onions

and smoky beetroot patty that tasted like minced beef patty, served with sweet potato fries and truffle vinaigrette greens. This is definitely omnivore approved vegan burger.


A place I have been meaning to try, since my craving for a burger went

unsated when I went to burgerlab and found that they seem to have discontinued the harvest gourmet patties.

The burger was alright. The patty was described as a beetroot patty; it had a falafel-ish texture, nicely spiced. The salad was alright, slightly asian gingery dressing. The chips were sweet potato chips with mayo. It was alright, though it didn't have quite the crunch I was looking for (maybe because I had my mind set on burgerlab's chips).

The ambiance was pretty cool. Never would I have thought that there would be a pretty fancy vegan restaurant/bar like this in KL, or that it would be packed(!).

Overall, it was a fun experience, and not one that I expected from my impressions of reviews here (I thought it was more on the cafe-ish side rather cocktail bar-ish).

Sorry for the picture quality. They have bad lighting. Dish was very good. The beet

patty and caramelised onions are so good. Fries on the side were nice and crisp.

'Pink' Beetroot Burger was one of the best vegan burgers I've ever had. Incredible. Looking

forward to trying out more menu items at this new vegan eatery!

Delicious patty in a soft bun. The grill on it is perfect and the vegan

cheese is to die for!

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