Breakfast Pizza

4.55 (4)

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Most helpful reviews

This was soooo good!! Thin pizza crust with home made pesto, scrambled tofu, prosciutto made

from flavourful soaked rice paper, vegan parmesan, capers, roquette, chilli. Absolutely delicious and filling. #alv

I will dream of this forever - so perfect in every way. Never had scrambled

tofu like before - and doubt I ever will 10/10

This is the most decadent and creative breakfast i have had so far in Melbourne!

This was a flavour bomb😍 Awesome pizza dough, delicious pesto base that is not overpowering, generous amount of cheesy tofu scramble (it seriously tasted cheesy!) and vegan cured meat as the toppings and the vegan parmesan though.....looks and tasted pretty close to the real thing! The fried capers on top tasted a bit like fried ikan bilis! Who would have thought to put capers on pizza and even fry them right!? 👏🏻 but one downside is that it is too much salt for me in the morning 😅🤣

The scramble provides a soft texture while the Parmesan imparts its sharp cheesy flavour. The

prosciutto is pretty great, and the white cheese is a bit sour. These flavours are pretty great, but this pizza is a little spoiled by the oiliness. Lots of carbs, fats, proteins, and guilt. A water-based element such as tomato (fresh or as a pizza sauce) could improve this a lot for me, flavour and texture wise.

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