• Is Geisha vegan? Yes! Geisha is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
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Most helpful reviews

The best vegan sushi restaurant in the city just introduced a new sushi option and

you know I ran to taste it🏃🏼‍♀️ this could the best one yet! 🥇 see ingredients in second pic. This place is seriously a gem and the price is really worth the quality. #veganisnotscary #glutenfree

Another top recommendation by @asiayportia with this sushi made of avocado maki, Heura tartare and

crunchy panko 🍱 😋 🌱 Also, we sat outside for lunch as the weather was beautiful but swipe ➡️ to see how incredible this restaurant looks! 🤩

Maki de aguacate con panko sin gluten, tartar de Heura, salsa de chili fermentado, cebollino

y arroz con quinoa negra. Pues tan delicioso como suena, nada podría salir mal con esa combinación tan exquisita de ingredientes.

Mi plato preferido. Este maki lleva aguacate, tartar de heura, salsa de chili fermentada, arroz

y quinoa, rebozado en panko. Está ESPECTACULAR.
El menú degustación lo incluye.

maki de aguacate con panko sin gluten, tartar de heüra, salsa de chili fermentado, cebollino

y arroz con quinoa negro

Definitely the best sushi they have! avocado maki with gluten-free panko, heüra tartare, fermented chili

sauce, chives & black quinoa rice

Maki de aguacate rebozado con panko y tartar de heura encima. Muy rico y un

poco picante. La salda recordaba a una salsa brava


The best sushi in Barcelona!! Roots and rolls is able to create the most mind

blowing vegan sushi one could ever imagine. This is served warm, crunchy, seafood-y. Pricy, but sooooo worth it

Every dish here was incredible, but this was really just outstanding. I cannot believe that

vegan sushi tastes SO good!

El mejor, super bueno, mejor sin salsa de soja, cremoso y sabroso

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