Pizza doce

  • Is Pizza doce vegan? Yes! Pizza doce is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN
4.69 (9)

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Most helpful reviews

Rodízio maravilhoso, muita variedade, tanto pizza doces e salgadas só divinas

Not being Brazilian, I didn't know the sweet pizzas were included in the all you

can eat Rodizio, and I had probably already eaten my own bodyweight in savoury pizza by the time I figured it out. I just couldn't appreciate this dessert fully. The lemon mousse one was 👌 My advice would be to share slices so you can taste them all. I challenge anyone to try and eat a full slice of every variety of pizza they bring out! #veganpizza

Pizza maravilhosa! Morango com chocolate e brigadeiro! Borda recheada com ganache!🍫❤️

Pizza doce, choconana, deliciosa gananche de chocolate com banana! Sensacional!🍫🍌

Pizza vegana simplesmente maravilhosa! Tanto as doces quanto as salgadas!

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